Friday, November 17, 2006

Celebration of life???

Ok so tonight I went to a celebration of life party....I've never been to one before but I thought I should check it out. A new coworker's(started in feb) husband passed away recently and he requested a party rather than funeral and I must say it was wonderful. Lots to drink, eat, and fun had by all, even if you weren't close to the deceased. Mark my words, when I die, I would like the same thing, having experienced this, nobody cried (unlike funerals) and it was absolutly wonderful. A great way to 'carry on'

NOW I'm at my uncles's house in Whitby and we are going to Bass pro shop's tomorrow and I can't wait, I have never been and I'm stoked. You all know I am a fishing nut!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeek!


MUD said...

you can set up your funeral any way you want. Just be sure that you do so early. If you fail to do so, you will be "celebrated" the way someone else thinks appropriate. I know it seems like you will live forever now, but how quickly it can turn around. My daughter-in-law's step sister is in intensive care on life support at 31. They don't know if she can make a come back. How about you celebrate life while you are alive and not worry about the morbid side for a few more years. MUD

that girl possessed said...

you're a fishing nut? this is news to me lady.

Jay-Me-Dee said...

In my will...I have a clause for a "Celebration of Life" party.


people have to smoke my ashes!


"This Jamirette is fantastic"

That way spirit form....I can make the joke that I've been "in" everybody that smokes "Me".

Hey! I'm dead....not DEAD!

Erin-Dot-D said...

Sounds wicked. Not sure how many people will be willing to smoke ash! Count me in! I'm willing to try everything once.....