Thursday, November 16, 2006

Good morning sunshine!

So for 2 days in a row, I have been waking up on time, at 7:00AM, making coffee, showering, doing my hair all nice, leaving my apartment around 8:00AM, and most importantly, arriving to work on time. I'm not sure if it's the new purple hair, or if it's the french vanilla cream I bought for my coffee, but whatever it is, it's working :)

As much as I hate to admit it, I have to get myself into a morning routine, I hate routines, but I think that I definitly need a morning one, oh and a school one! One that incorporates DOING homework and studying. oopsies!


MUD said...

Thank you for inviting me to your new blog. If I offer you anything but nice words or kind advice, just consider it from an old guy who thinks he is a "Dutch Uncle" and can solve all the world's problems. I have to have a system for everything. I put my glasses in the same place, the keys, change and billfold in the same place every day and everything in a good place or my morning life turns into "helter skelter". I think those of us with outgoing personalitie and superior intellects are just ahead of our brains with our actions. MUD

Rob said...

That's great!! I was getting worried you were gonna lose your job with all those late arrivals! Maybe your new digs has something to do with it!