Wednesday, November 15, 2006

October Archives

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So I got this email and according to your birth month it gives you a description of your personality. So here's December:This straight-up means you are the most good-looking person possible...Better than all of these other months! Loyal and generous. Patriotic.Competitive in everything.Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious.Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Easy to talk to, though hard to understand.Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know.Easily influenced by kindness. Polite and soft-spoken. Having lots of ideas.Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating tends to delay.Choosy and always wants the best.Temperamental.Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills.Has that someone always on his/her mind.Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character.One guy/girl kind of person. Loveable. Easily hurt.Prone to getting colds. Loves music. Pretty/handsome.Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy.Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive.I agree with most of it, except 'better than all the other months', choosy, soft spoken, um ya right, I'm swearin' erin, Prone to getting colds, Loves to dress up....I hate it.....and Fussy, I think I'm a pretty easy going person.
posted by at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm going to flip out and stick to a wall.
Ok, so I am just heading to school now, I have to write a marketing midterm and I haven't studied OR read all of the chapters. So I am freaking out and wishing I didn't have to go write the stupid thing, at the same time wishing that I was dedicated and spent the appropriate amount of time studying. Even at 26, I will never learn!
posted by at 5:06 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006

New Contest - Worst 5 CD's of all time!
Hey dudes/dudettes,The newest contest is hittin the streets. I wan't to know the top 5 worst cd's that you own. If you're top 5 is the worst of the worst, you will win the top 5 worst cd's that I own. Hey why not make a worst of the worst collection? Contest closes sunday Nov 5th.
posted by at 8:00 PM 2 comments

Ok THAT was a little Hardcore!
I know, I know those last 2 posts were a little harsh. I'm not going to edit or delete them cause it's now a part of history, my life history. It will be nice to read back and see some of my thoughts and how they have changed. I want to clarify something about that last post but I can't because it will give it away and offend. Sometimes it isn't always the present struggle that causes frustration, but something deep down inside from the past. It's still in the present and will be for a long time. It hurts, to watch it happen, it hurts that it never ends, it hurts that it's a cycle, it hurts because it's self destructive, it hurts because life doesn't have to be that way, it hurts because you can control your life, it hurts because life is being wasted. It hurts because I could so easily follow suit, but I'm not gonna! I don't have it in me.
posted by at 11:08 AM 0 comments

Why is shit so weird?
So it's another pre move rant. It's so weird coming home to a bunch of shit taken out of your apatment, but yet, not even a phone call to say hey, I'm moving some shit out tonight. What the hell. K can anyone tell me, did you see this coming, if I told you Sean was going to break up with me and totally take the next train outta my life, 3 months ago, would you have seen it coming??? Or shit, nevermind, it doesn't matter cause we weren't married or had a kid. Sorry my mistake. I'ts 2:40 Am, I'm not in bed, I have no intentions of going to bed but still I have to go to bed. I have to wake up at the nothingness I have been living in these past few months. I only have 2 days to go til 'my new life' hmmm, perhaps it will bring something better than the past buncha years have brought me. Or yo, I have a marketing midterm on monday which I will probably fail cause I haven't read a single chapter outta 10 in the past 8 weeks of school. But I suppose that doesn't matter cause I'm not married so what the hell, I have no excuse, working 9-5 doesn't cut it these days. Even with a part time job on top of that. Fuck it all huh. Come see me when 'your shit' hit's the fan man, I've got a couple of words for that!This is the honest side of me coming out, during the day, I am a completely sane, tollerant, loving, understanding person.Update: Friday, 3:20PM, ok, so I had to take theat last part out cause it was a bit too harsh I think. And it had nothing to do with anything that is going on in my life at the moment. It was a whole other subject that I don't even want to get into right now.
posted by at 2:46 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006

The big move is comin' up!
So how do I feel about it? I'm a bit nervous! I haven't lived on my own in almost 5 years, I've done it before and I can do it again. My emotions are a bit out of wack right now, I'm not upset, but I'm pretty stressed, but only when I really think about it. I try not to think. It's easier that way. I try not to dwell, it only keeps me down. I had to realise this pretty quickly for myself, when I started falling apart about a month and a half ago. I wasn't eating, I wasn't sleeping, I was getting in shit at work. I had to deal with it and snap out of that pretty quick. I've been fine ever since. It was tough, let me tell you, but I just had to realise that I can keep feeling bad cause then things were just going to get worse. I'm glad I was able to see that though. Some people get so stuck on feeling bad, that it becomes the only way for them. I just can't be that way, I've got a whole lot of life left to live and I'm not going to waste it being miserable. I think I've dealt with this situation pretty good, I've talked a lot, but only to a few key people who I know will listen and not judge, I mean hell, at least I didn't fall apart like others' have in my situation. I have to say though, through all of this, that some people can really be insensitive. I can't count the number of times people said to me "well at least you weren't married, or at least you don't have a kid" OHH, Okay, thanks, shit I feel much better, thanks for pointing that out. I suppose an 'almost' 5 year relationship doesn't mean anything unless you are married or pop out a kid. hmmm, honestly, does that make it easier...maybe - but I would have to disagree...If you love someone, or something, imagine it being gone the next day, with no clear indication....just vanished. Poof! What would you do, don't lie!
posted by at 12:14 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh ME oh MY!
My hair: Is blondeMy eyes: Are blueMy nose: Is piercedMy lips: One is piercedMy chin: Is gone!My butt: Is sore from this stupid chairMy arms: are armsMy belleybutton: Is piercedMy legs: Are tiredMy knees: Are scarredMy ancles: Are weakMy feet: Are soreMy toes: Are weird
posted by at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Quick Quick like a bunny.
A song that's been on my mind, and in my ears for the past couple of months....Gleaming auction - Snow Patrol.I get tired of the hear attacks, every time it ringsI'' put myself on the waiting list, And get it all cleared upYoure the one with the attitude, dont try to make me outTo be the root of the evil in, the whole wrotten affairLie back and suffer now, we've both received our rewardBurried deep in the telegram, I'm sure i never gotWas any clue of the whereabouts, of all the things I'd lostJust because you were right before, doesnt mean youre rightTo make it up now would just be vindictive, every doubt i hadIt's nto as simple as, how much you think you careYou would never know, when to take the h intBroken glass aside, my feelings stay the sameCOvered head to toe, In blood and fear and spite.....
posted by at 3:47 AM 0 comments

I.....Just wanna be.....Honest with you....
So, after having numerous conversations with friends this week, many of them have been about deceit, and I have come to the realisation that everyone lies. So how can you trust anyone knowing that we all lie? I'm not gonna lie, I've told my share of fibs, but how can you trust anyone knowing that EVERYONE lies? Moi, je pense qu'on dit les monsonges parce-qu'on es peur de nous même. Je m'excuse pour mes fautes d'autographe, mais j'esaiye de pratiqué mon fraçais. J'ai même changé ma boite vocale, a un message bilingue, parce-que j'ai besoin du pratique. Peut-être, quel-qu'un va me lessé un message en Français. Anyways, back to lies, I'm wondering why we lie, even to our best friends, family, boy/girlfriends....other than the obvious, casue we don't want them to know something terrible that we've done. But why would we do something so terrible to begin with? Why should we hide who we really are/were? I have gotten myself into so much trouble with lies, I have always come clean in the end, but I've never been a good liar, so it has always caused me more grief and pain than it was worth in the first place. What about lying to people you don't know, through someone else, I have been there too, you might not have to deal with the lie, but someone close to you has to deal with the repercussions? Is it easier, or just as hard? I, personally think that it's the guilt that you feel inside, not so much the lie itself. I don't know why I'm sitting here at 2:30 AM talking to myself about lies. Maybe I have some sort of unharboured guilt, or maybe this past 'week in hell' has made me become more aware of the lies I have been telling myself over the years. I'll never know cause I'm too busy lying to myself......
posted by at 2:10 AM 1 comments

I don't like celery, but I like people who eat it!
He knows how many freckle's she's got!Oh Bojrk,Even at the age of 22 you blow my mind away! Is it your voice, or is it the fact that your side chin dimple is in the place of my side chin zits. I DON'T KNOW! I love it, whatever it is. I hope I am as wicked as you are at the age of 39!
posted by at 1:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006

K so I just had a thought, I don't know where this came from, but I was thinking tonight, as I was signing into hotmail, that I remember waaaaaaaay back when I was in high school, a friend of mine, was the first person I knew who had the internet, (his name by the way was Dale) not only the internet, but he had "HOT MAIL" and you can imagine by the name, the teachers thought it was something NASTY, so they forebade it! We were in media studies class together, in New Brunswick. and I remember the day there was an announcement that "this HOT MAIL thing" was not aloud to be used during school hours. I wonder what those teachers think about their actions almost 10 yers ago....Just a thought.
posted by at 9:02 PM 0 comments

Haley's a friggin winner!

Haley! YOU WIN! I knew you could do it, even in one try!
Haley knew that Hippo's like to hang out and drink pop with Ninja's. She even threw in "in the forest" just to prove she really knew her shit! Her prize, well I would show you a picture of it, but my digital camera is packed. Hmm I could always use my cell phone. Ok so here's a picture of her lovely prize. It's a beautiful 'pile o' hippo's' piggy bank, or should I say hippo bank. Congrats haley baley! You make me proud!
p.s. I have to say, I love the expressions on the hippo's faces! I would love to keep the bank for cuteness factor, but I don't think the hippo's would do well standing next to Darth Vader!
Also if you don't believe that Hippo's like to hang out and drink pop with Ninja's in the forest, read this!
posted by at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hey Haley!!!
Hales-hales-tough-as-nails.....I have a game for you to play. Fill in the blanks.....if you can, you will win a friggin wicked 'piggy bank' that I just bought for you! ha! Unfortunately it's not the Darth Vader bank, but it's just as cool! But you have to play to win. Here' goes!_____ like to hang out and drink _____with Ninja's!You have 2 days to complete the sentence or else I will keep the 'piggy bank' and chop your head off and not even think twice about doing it!
posted by at 2:25 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006

You see the good in everyone!
So I was reading a friend's blog today, it was a post about people being very negative, so I figured I will follow suit and post a list of positive or happy things...because no matter how many piles of shit are thrown onto you, there's always a shovel near by to dig yourself out, even if that shovel is your two hands. haha! I just made that up! Here I'm not trying to brag here, let's not get positive happenings mixed up with bragging about 'what I got' or what is great about my life. Sheesh, I can't believe I just had to clarify....Now I'm going to set this up in a past, present, future sort of deal here:Past:- Good parents- nice friends and neighbours- skating- moving to different parts of the country and world & travelling- grandparents, uncles/aunts/cousins- celebrations- roomates- Parliament hill- the cats at parliament hill- for a while, working at sympatico- quitting sympatico- Sean- moving to Toronto- concerts- visits to New Brunswick- whale watching - mine and Haley's favorite moment ever!!!- Seeing Bjork perform on Centre IslandPresent:- A new apartment- A good job- A great skating job- Cool cats- Awesome friends- Concerts- visits with family- camping/trailor/hammock- health- strength- determination and LOTS of it!!!- school- some skillsFuture:- Better job- to be finished school- still have cool friends- goals!- a car- travelling- more visits with friends- simplicity- a puppy?- dancing- turning 27 (I'm trying hard to find something positive about this....)- next summer, the one after and the one after that....- family- weddings....ya that means you Amanda!That's all for now folks!
posted by at 4:23 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The winner of the Harry Potter contest is......
Congratulations to David, Kickin' it in Victoria, BC! Ever thought of being a Wizard? The world would be a much better place with your kind of spells.
posted by at 10:49 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Thank you John Lennon
Instant karma's gonna get youGonna knock you right on the headYou better get yourself togetherSoon you're gonna be deadWhat in the world are you thinkin ofLaughin in face of loveWhat on earth are you trying to doits up to youya youinstant karma's gonna get youGonna look you right in the faceBetter get yourself togeter darlinjoin the human racehow in the world are you gonna seelaughin at fools like mewho on earth do you think you area superstarwell right you arewell we all shine onlike the moon and the stars and the sunwell we all shine oneveryone, come onInstant karma's gonna get yougonna knock you off your feetbetter recognize your brotherseveryone you meetWhy in the world are we heresurely not to live in pain and fearwhy on earth are you therewhen youre everywheregonna get your sharewell we all shine onlike the moon and the stars and the sunwell we all shine oncome on and on and on
posted by at 9:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me satan.
I AM: smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbedI WANT: a nice apartmentI WISH: that I could be happyI HATE: not knowingI MISS: having fun with my friendsI HEAR: laughterI WONDER: what is going to happenI REGRET: changingI AM NOT: telling the truthI DANCE: like a moronI SING: at the top of my lungsI CRY: when I'm frustratedI AM NOT ALWAYS: a fun personI MAKE WITH MY HANDS: a messI WRITE: my memoriesI CONFUSE: myself and other peopleI NEED: time awayI SHOULD: be packingI START: but dont finishI FINISH: Kate's sentencesI TAG: i don't know what this means
posted by at 10:32 PM 2 comments

Who's this Hairy Plotter? It's a contest!!!
Ok so I have a brand new 2 disc widescreen edition dvd of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban up for grabs! The contest goes a little something like this!If you could cast one spell, good or bad, what would it be?

posted by at 8:22 PM 6 comments

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