Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I'm thinking back.....way back....

So something just popped into my mind that I haven't thought about in a long time, actually it was just something I used to say in high school, then I got to thinking about all the silly things my friends and I used to say. Sometimes they come back and I say them and nobody around me has any clue as to what I'm talking about and look at me like I don't make any sense. BUT little do they know, I actually do....just in a different time and place!

So I was washing dishes tonight and I poked my finger with a knife (no blood) and I shouted, Batard Sucré....this term originated in Grade 10. I went to french school my whole life so speaking english in was not permitted in my classes, so we would translate our slang words or swear words and they always turned out to be friggin' hilarious. We used to say "sweet bastard" a lot back then, so when translated (obviously not properly) it turned into batard sucré.....so wicked. I'm going to try to make a list of all the stupid things we used to say back then, it's pretty funny.

Fuuuuuuuuck Jessieeeee (we once heard this guy saying this to a friend and it was so funny the way he stressed the uuuuuu in Fuck and the ie in Jessie. So that turned into a common swear word amongst my group of friends.

Frig-a-jig, I think haley can take ownership of that one, I just remember we used to (and still do) say it all the time.

Word to your bird.....just cause it rhymes

Batch - instead of bitch, this chick once overheard me say, "shit her boyfriend is so hot and she's so ugly", so she walked by me and said baaaaaaaaaaaaaatch.......maybe it should be more like bètch. ha!

Skaaaaankkkkkkkkk - once again we were overheard making fun of some chicks skirt, so she walked by us and called one of us a skaaaaaankkkkkkkk and the k was really flegmy.

Wanker - it's fun!

Choda - can't forget that one, everything was choda....choda-licious, choda-whisper 2000, choda-fied, chicken-fried-choda, choda-saurus-rex...

Alright I just can't think of anymore now. What the hell kind of list is that.....HELP me out ladies!!!


little things said...

I camped on the French coast for a month years back.
Hearing others campers arrive in the campsite after dark and then tackle the preparation of their tent always included the words "prostituit merde". I'm sure I misspelled prostitute, but I thought it was hilarious that the swear term was prostitute's shit.

Erin-Dot-D said...

That is the best, I'm going to start using that one! On another note, this post makes me seem really shallow. OOPS!

E said...

I love "batch" Erin...hope it's alright if I co-opt it for my personal use for certain people you and I both know, and for the general public that fail to please me. Talk about a developed high school lexicon, you have a wicked memory Lady! Hope those sniffles are frigging off like you told 'em to!

Anonymous said...

i remember when amanda brown used to say hello jello, but i can't remember if that was high school or not? i remember the man woman, and free skipping, it only cost a dime! with the lucky charms slinky, til it friggen broke like a wanker