Sunday, January 28, 2007

Coax me, Cajole me!

Saturday night Erinne and I went to check out sloan at Nathan Phillip's square (city hall) and had a total blast. Afterwards we wandered into Kensington market to a couple bars and danced our faces off, who cares if we were wearing winter boots!!! According to one chick, we were the hottest chix in the bar. She had her guy friend come up to us and tell us this a few times. Erinne was like, well we don't swing that way but she can come dance with us!!! NICE! So they did!

Erinne's about to get kissed! Watch out now!


K, way too close up!

Rock on Sloan!
This is a big giant snow globe with people hanging out in it!


E said...

Hey Erin! I had SO.MUCH.FUN! I love how red your hair is in the pics, like it is on fire! Not to mention the folks in the snow globes posing for you...wonder how they got that job? Can't wait for Friday, then Saturday, and just every single weekend coming up! E

Jay-Me-Dee said...

Looks like a pimpin' good time!

that girl possessed said...

for starters.. you two are my heroes. now on to serious matters.. i think i have the exact same scarf as erinne, assuming her's is freakishly long aswell. also, i would rape someone for her toque! i spent all winter trying to find one with ears, i was even tempted to try and make one.

jealousy mounting.