Thursday, March 1, 2007

The barfing Ref.

I completely forgot to mention this to ANYONE, so I figured I should blog about it. So I'm leaving the dressing room at the rink the other night and I'm walking down the side of the rink when all of a sudden a ref. from a hockey game in progress runs off hte ice and power pukes right in front of me. Like projectile vomit. Half of it sprayed in front of him and then he made it to the garbage can. I can't help but wonder, did he feel like shit before he got on the ice or was this just some random thing that just 'came up' : ) tee hee hee! Poor guy. SICK!


E said...

Holy Geeeeeeeeeeze Erin! That is NASTY. This happened at Forest Hill or the park? I wonder what the socially acceptable thing to do is in that circumstance? With all of the barf talk we've been and I both clean up our own. What do you do when you barf in front of a crowd of people? Run to the bathroom for tissues, or hope that the custodial staff will help you out. I'd be so embarrassed I think that I would HAVE to at least try and look for some brown paper towels. TPB is on right now, Ricky called a chick with the "swiss-braid buns" a cinnamon-roll-fuckin'-head! Just had to share lady!

Erin-Dot-D said...

e, it was totally at forest hill. i didnt stick around to find out if he went back on the ice. I should have. Maybe mr. M could have given me a ride home. p.s I have a story to tell.

InmateK8 said...

WOW! How embarrassing. But I've been there! When I was pregnant and I jumped off the bus and my neon yellow barf hit the ground before I did. It was horrible and there was a lady sitting at the bus stop and all I wanted to do was apologize but I just couldn't stop barfing. It was the worst. I feel for the ref, I really do.