Saturday, March 3, 2007

Dishsoap memories!

While reading Erinne's most recent blog post it got me to thinking, it's amazing how scents can bring back long lost memories. These type of situations happen to me all the time. Funny thing is if i sit and try to remember what it felt like to be 21 (for example)or if I try to remember what I was like at 21 or what I was up to at 21, I have very vague memories. I sometimes try to think back to when I was 18 and I got my very first apartment with my boyfriend Geoff, I have very few memories of that year. I don't remember what it felt like living there, or what I did on a daily basis, maybe I'm trying to think about too many details. I don't know.
I'm going nowhere with this, but my point is, sometimes it just takes a scent or a song to bring back all of these memories that I can never think of no matter how hard I try.

Here is Erinne's post:

I don't think that I have ever read a book of poetry in my life. I can see how other people dig it, but, I have never been particularly struck by anything except music lyrics. Of all things, I was reading Glamour magazine when I came across this wee poem (and I cannot WAIT to go out and by both of the poet's books):

The Past Is Still There by Deborah Garrison

I've forgotten so much.
What it felt like back then,
what we said to each other.

But sometimes when I'm standing
at the kitchen counter after dinner
and I look out the window at the dark

thinking of nothing,
something swims up.
Tonight this:

your laughing into my mouth
as you were trying
to kiss me.

The above work is included in Deborah Garrison's newest publication The Second Child.

And this is my reply to her post:

Fuckin' wicked e. I have these bizarre moments myself.
If only I could write them down like she did.
I recently bought this dish soap and as I did my dishes for the first time with the new soap, it brought me back to my apartment with my ex Jeremy, the scent reminded me of us, washing dishes together.
It was quite the memory. It's amazing how a scent can kick you back to 6 years ago.
The next day I brought the soap to work, so I wouldn't have to be reminded of him....


InmateK8 said...

Holy shit that poem rocks! Erin,that made me laugh SO HARD because it sounds like a deep thought from Jack Handy. At first it looks like a happy memory (washing dishes together, aaawww...) and then you pull the rug right out and say that you brought it to work so you wouldn't have to think about him! You are the funniest lady in the history of ladies, for real...

MUD said...

Wait until you have 60 years of memories. Some just overwhelm you. One time I watched the movie platoon and "flashed" back to Vietnam. So strong that it created the smell in my mind. Love your blogs. I don't personally "get" poetry, but do love to read the thoughts of others. MUD