Monday, March 5, 2007

Whatever starts at the park, ends at the park!

Ok so this weekend was tons of fun. Friday night Erinne, Mayssan and I went out. Then we were joined by our friend T-man and two of his 'boys'. Ended up at some crazy bar in Parkdale, danced to a few songs and then split! After an interesting walk through an alley, getting chased through the alley by a car, finding a tv, (which t-man had to throw, not once but twice) drinking Tuborg as we walked through the alley, finding a teddy bear covered in paper maché, taking some pictures with mr. bear maché. There is just too much to type! We ended up going to Mayssan's place and continuing on the dance party, minus T-man. T-man was Toast! Crazy moments for sure! After having only 3 hours of sleep, I went to the park and taught skating for 4 hours.

Saturday night we hit up Andy Poolhall and were severely dissappointed. We need a new brit pop venue, its just not right!

Sunday, puppet dance party at dufferine park! Basically everyone skates on the rink while T-man spins some tunes, and some people wear these weird "puppet costume things" Erinne and I weren't into skating so we just walked around the rink. The party moved on to Mayssan's place, just T-man, Erinne, Mayssan and I. T-man was our private dj for a few hours, wicked fun. Like a Virgin! owwwwww! Eventually we went back to the park and hung out with some other peeps. It was suggested that everyone puts on some skates, grabs a stick and has a drunken game of Shinny (hockey) I fell so many times that my knees are totally bruised up and a wee bit swollen. I was trying to cut corners too quickly and trippin over people's sticks and stuff. Or trying to steal the puck from T-man and totall running him down. At least I wasn't the only one falling. Mayssan had a hard time with the hockey skates, I'm sure her knees are just as bruised as mine!

Watch out now! Erin on the ice at the park.

Erinne on the ice at the park!

T-man lovin' his song selections and Ben gettin' busy with the turntables.

I really don't know what I was doing here, but I feel really cool doing it!
T-man and I chillin' beside the dryer in rinkhouse.

Erinne and Mayssan takin a break from bustin' some serious moves.

Thumbs up for having planned this conversation with T-man!

The thigh dance, Erinne is a huge fan of it. I ONLY do it for her. It's not my dance, it never has been but many drunken whores at the social would definitly claim it to be theirs!

What? You don't know the thigh dance? Follow these two simple steps!

Step 1: place your hands on your thighs. Step two: shake your shoulders and ass while rubbing your hands up and down your thighs don't forget the ooooo face!

We're gettin' our grove on in Mayssan's basement!

Just showin a little love!

Erinne's got what it takes to be a dj! She can rock the head phones 'like a mother F***ing riot!

Back at the park, everyone's lookin' a little rough at this point!

1 comment:

InmateK8 said...

Erin you are SOOO gangsta! I especially love the "thigh dance". I've seen it! It's right up there with Ky's dance (arms linked above head, bite your lower lips and wiggle)...