Thursday, March 22, 2007

STOP button abuse!

Ok, here's my weekly rant. I'm going to start doing this weekly, it's fun!

I ask you this, WHY do people feel the need (urge) to push button's like 18 times? To make sure they pushed it properly the first 17 times? I don't know. You follow? You want examples?

#1 abuse of button pushing: Crosswalk buttons. You ever notice that when someone pushes it they keep pumpin' the damn button until the light changes. Do they think it will change faster? Do they not realise that it's on a god damn timer? Or, I'm standing at the cross walk, I have already pushed the button and a new person comes up and starts pumping it, I just look at them like "what are you doing? I'm not an idiot, of course I've already pushed the button" but then once the light changes they give you that proud look as if to say " I made the light change faster because I pumped the damn button 52 times!!!!!"

#2 abuse of button pushing: Elevator buttons, even though the button usually lights up once pushed, people still push it like 5 times, I guess, just to be sure, or maybe they have OCD and JUST CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES!!! Or the 'door close' button inside the elevator, like once you get in, usually the door closes within 4 seconds, do you really have to push the button. I just smirk cause usually the door is starting to close when they actually push the button. USELESS!

#3 abuse of putton pushing: Calculator 'clear' button, Ever notice the bank tellers press clear like 9 times or something before they recalculate your deposit totals? I guess they just want to be extra sure the calculator is at ZERO, even though the display screen clearly has a big fat ZERO on it!

Ok that's all I've got for now.
I hope you can relate, otherwise maybe I'm just a critical bitch!


InmateK8 said...

I'm right there with you on that one. My biggest pet peeve about buttons? When you step into an elevator and realize some smart ass kid (who's parents are probably cracked out and passed out in their tiny, unkempt apartment) has pushed ALL the buttons and you are left with two choices: ride it out, or get out at the next floor and wait for another ten minutes because he did the same thing to the other elevator going back up.

MUD said...

Boy, that sure pushed all my buttons, Oops, wrong choice of words. MUD