Friday, December 15, 2006

Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see.

Best read if you start playing "chasing cars - Snow Patrol....NOW!!

To be honest, nobody has ever said this about me before, I'd never expect it, but I think it's pretty grand!

It's not because I HAVE to, it's because I want to.
Everytime I think about this girl I get sad, happy, excited, anxious, jelous, envious, and every other emotion possible.

I hear the Cure, I think of her, I see something funny, I think of her, I do something fun, I think of her, I do something stupid, I want to tell her.

She is my best friend ever. I think about her every day.
Almost everything I do, every single moment, reminds me of her somehow. And yes, I tell her EVERYTIME I talk to her, that she is the greatest person alive.....
Honest, you can even ask her, I really do, maybe I even over-do it...I don't care, it's sincere.

I don't quite know...
how to say...
how I feel...
those 3 words...
are said too much...
they're not enough...
(Maybe snow patrol is right?) to describe how I feel about Haley...

Although we have only spent 2 years of our lives together in the same town in New Brunswick, our friendship has carried on, between Her living in New Brunswick and Me in Kingston, Her in Savannah, Georgia and me in Ottawa, to Her in New Brunswick again, and Me, now in Toronto and Her, now in Victoria BC.
From a distance, for way over 10 years....She is the most non-judgemental, funnest, prettiest, (princess/Ninja/Pirate), understanding, sincere, wonderful, beautiful princess ever.

Let's waste time...
Chasing cars...
Around our heads...
I need your grace...(
To remind me...
To find my own....
I'm a cheese ball when it comes to Her, I can't help it, if you saw her or spoke to her, you would understand)

I can't even get through this post without missing her like a demon, and wanting to call her to tell her that she cheesy is that?.

I told you, I melt when I think of her...
NO I'm not a lesbian for her, haha, I just love her like the sister I have always wished for, like the best friend I have always needed, like the soul mate I have always wanted....
Maybe she doesnt't know it, but I think she does, and to be honest...I KNOW if she had a blog, she would say the same thing to me, maybe more articulate, maybe in a different way, but ladies and gents, THIS IS the best I'be got...

There has NEVER been a girl that I have NOT seen after a couple years apart, who I have run to, with my arms open for a hug, while crying....shit, I'm not gonna lie, last summer, when I saw her car approaching, I started to cry...I've got a few more friends I could say tons of nice shit about, but to be honest, this century is about Haley....

All I can say is, mark my words, I will be out to BC next summer to spend the best time of my life with her.... (her birthday) and maybe I won't even come back...

For now, it's not letting me post a picture, but I will get worries.

If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?


Anonymous said...

i think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said/done/thought about me, and its even better cause you don't even care who hears you. i love you so much aren and you are deinatly the best friend i have ever had. i know things will never change, cause they already would have. I feel the exact same way when i see you, and i hated leaving the camp this summer, cause i never know when i'm going to see you again. but no matter what you should always remember i think about you all the time too! i'd marry you just to make it legally binding that you have to stay with me forever, prrrrt

Anonymous said...

i meant definatly

Anonymous said...

Jeez Louise, Heavy stuff to start the holidays with. I wish I had a friend I felt that strongly about. I guess I'll just have to keep the wife to have someone I feel that intense about. Just remember that you are the one that brought up the lesbian crap. They say guys don't always separate love and sex. I didn't even think that until you said it. Hope you can always find happiness with good friends. MUD

that girl possessed said...

should i leave you two alone to have babies?