Monday, December 11, 2006

All quiet on the western front!

Ya, so I haven't been posting much these days. I don't have much to say, and the things I have to say are whiny, indecisive, boring and confusing. So I'm just not gonna say them. I think I might be done with school for now. I have surpassed my expectations already so I think it's safe to say I accomplished what I set out to do (complete the entrepreneurship program) and I even took a few additional courses towards a business diploma.

I'm kinda tired though and I find this semester i did what I could to get by and that's it. I just wasn't into it, probably cause I'm tired. I don't like "just doing what I have to, to get by" it's kind of lazy. I just dont feel that I have the time, nor the energy to dedicate myself fully to this new diploma. I don't wanna be a slacker. I don't wanna do a half assed job. So I think I'm going to take a semester off. Just focus on work and skating and being the best Erin I can possibly be! Hee hee! I've got plenty of other things I could be doing. So there, another decision made by the E lady.

Perhaps it seems like I'm quitting, but I don't look at it that way. I've been in school for 2 full years now. That's messed up. I know myself and I know how I am and if I don't take this break, I know I will continue slackin' off at school, it's not going to get any better or any easier. So now, I will rest. Sort of.

I picked up an extra skating shift on wednesday nights and next week I start teaching at an outdoor rink on saturday mornings. So starting in January I will be skating wednesday, thursday, saturday and sunday, as well as working mon-fri(9-5). Not so bad now that school is out of the way.....for now.....

Moving on to phase 2...not sure what it will bring me...I'm wishing for a puppy...:)


MUD said...

Hey E Girl,
Us old guys think they waste the good energy on the young just like you probably think it is unfair we have most of the $. When you burn the candle at both ends, don't be surprised when you need either more candles or you feel melted down. Workng full time is like work and teaching skating is like work and going to scool is like work. Perhap you really want a kitty, they don't need walked and you can put them in a room with a litter box. MUD

Anonymous said...

hey, you already ARE the best Erin you could possibly be!