Saturday, December 2, 2006

Friggin quit it!

I can't get rid of my cough. I've had it for over a week now and It's driving me nuts. I cough and i cough and i cough. It's a gross cough too, I sound like i have a motorcycle in my lungs or something.

Dear cough,
Go away! I don't want you anymore.
I never wanted you in the first place!
You make my throat hurt, my nose run and I dont like it!
So go pick on someone your own size or something.



that girl possessed said...

why did it erase my comment.. SO GAY!

MUD said...

There is a crud here that just has everyone barking like a bunch of seals at Sea World at feeding time. It takes about three weeks for it to go away. Take lotd of vitamin C (drink orange juice) and get lots of rest. In the good old days I would get some rye whisky, make some tea with honey and lemon (and the whisky) and go to bed early one evening. What the hell, it tastes good and you'll sleep well. Did I leave out the part about the flannel jammies?

Erin-Dot-D said...

I like your remedies, especially whiskey and flannel jammies! Should have bought some whiskey tonight, instead I went to ikea :)

Jay-Me-Dee said...

Dude....4 weeks with my cough. We've become friends now.

not really.