Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This one's for the ladies!

Gotta love guys, like school on a class!
My guy's got some class, at least!

I love how they say "zey" instead of they, and usually I hate it when people mispronounce haha!

This song goes out to E2, I can just picture us dancing our faces off to this song, at a bar in Toronto, while singing at the top of our lungs. It even has wicked drum moments for E2 to smash out a few drum beats to....I miss ya lady!

Ok, and I could seriously see E2 and I making up a stupid routine like that, 15 ish years ago, except on figure skates, not roller skates. TOTALLY. well maybe I'm the dork, and she isn't. not sure. just my thoughts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a total dork too ladylou! And, I totally would have done "similar pairs" with you back in the day...busting moves!!!! I miss you, like the desert misses the rain! There's all the proof you need of dorkness!!!!