Friday, December 5, 2008

Muddy waters

It's interesting how differently we can see things from one minute to the next. I've been playing a rediculous amount of solitaire on my iphone over the past few months. In the middle of playing a game I will get stumped, no other moves. So I close the screen and do something else. The next time I pop the game open to play again, all of a sudden I see a move, it's right there staring me in the face. I end up playing for a bit longer, then lose, or I win the game.

Why hadn't I seen that move 5 minutes ago, or 3 hours before when it was right in front of me.
This is a very basic thought, I realise, but it has me thinking about can associate this example in so many situations that you encounter on a daily basis.

Why can't we see things in that moment, and then later on it appears to us, so clearly. For example, in the heat of anger, we can think what are feeling or what we are saying is completely valid, true or real. Then when the moment passes, sometimes, it's like SHIT, what was I thinking? You feel so stupid sometimes when you realise that you were absolutely wrong, but at that very moment, you were so right, what you thought was the truth, or the only way, was indisputable.

So I ask myself, how is it that sometimes we are able to see things so clearly and other times the water is just so god damn murky?

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