Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's almost Christmas!

On a lighter note, we bought, and set up our Christmas tree today.
It turned out pretty nice, I think.

A. As if it's almost Christmas.
B. As if I've been in Calgary for just over 4 months.
C. Where does the time go?

p.s. AS IF, I just said AS IF, twice!


Anonymous said...

Nice tree yo! Mine is up too, only difference is I have a can of Schlitz as my star, claaaaaaassy!

Erin-Dot-D said...

As always, Dave, YOU RULE!

Erin-Dot-D said...

p.s. PICTURES????

Anonymous said...

I'll get some pics this weekend, we're having an Ugly Sweater Christmas Par-tay....I'm going to attempt to cook a turkey!! FAWK!