Friday, December 5, 2008

Bonne Fête a moi!

So my birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I will be turning 29. Holy fuckin' shit where did all the time go? Never thought I would be almost 30 years old. EVER!
Does that mean I can't be immature anymore?
I have to start behaving a certain way?
I have to grow up?

I know I've grown up a lot since I was 22 or 23, but I'm not sure how much more growing up I want to do. I go to work, I pay my bills, I've lived on my own since I was 18. What else do I have to do?

In my brain I don't really feel that much older than before, I don't really look all that much older either, but I feel older, and I have to do something about that.

I have absolutely no plans for my birthday. I haven't made any friends since I moved to Calgary in August. So I dunno. AND since my birthday is December 24th things are always packed and super busy around that time.

Maybe I will just go to work, come home, and go to sleep. Forget I ever turned 29.

My blog posts are so boring, jesus christ what is wrong with me.

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