Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We are the earth intruders!

OK so a few things.

1. I've noticed that since Monday I've had over 60 visits to my blog, and seriously it wasn't me. So first point, wtf? who's checkin' this shit out?

2. Um Bjork has a new single from her new album, (Volta) and I'm freaking out!

3. I've downloaded the new Bjork single (Earth Intruders) and it's the best thing I've heard since 2001 and I don't just mean since 'Vespertine'

4. I'm severely annoyed with a lot of things right now.

5. I miss hanging out with my gals in Ottawa.

6. I miss my mom. I forgot to mention that the thursday morning before my roadtrip to Ottawa, I developped a bit of a cold, and fortunately my parents live RIGHT off the HWY 401 and I made a quick stop in Kingston and picked up some Buckley's and Vitamin C which killed my 'cold' within a day or so. THEY ROCK. MY PARENTS ARE THE COOLEST PARENTS ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR. P.S. If you ever read any comments posted anonymously, it's prolly my MOM (yeah she made the cop's # comment)

7. I've got so much on my mind the past few years it makes me feel like a car crash victim, and trust me, for those of you who know me, I know how one thinks. Yes, harsh but true.

8. Why the hell are people so messed up? I've recently reunited with some people and some are TOTALLY the same (ie. DAVE, he's the shit, and always was when we used to work together close to 10 years ago, same guy, little more grown up now, but the SAME, totally, that guy ROCKS) but others its like, shit who are you? I'm not just talking about people from 10 years back, even some from a year ago...what happens to people? Even some people I talk to on a weekly basis, I'm just like shit, you weren't the same person eve a week ago....I wonder how things will go next week?

9. I wonder, am I the same? Have I changed? I think I have, somewhat, but i don't think my personality has changed much. I mean in some aspects FOR SURE, but if you can totally pick up with someone, you have only seen about 3 times over the past 10 years, that's gotta say something. I'd like to think I'm the same.

10. I'm still listening to the new Bjork song on repeat, yes folks, some things never change, ask my mom, I've been 'forcing' her to listen to Bjork since I was about 14. Whether it was on T.V or through the walls of my room, she has her fave Bjork songs, and does mention to me when she sees her on T.V. She HAS sat through Dancer in the Dark, has admitted to me that she cried at the end, and I wasn't even sitting there with her. She watched it on her own cause she loves me :) tee hee hee!

Ok so for those of you who would like to hear the new Bjork song, here is a very short clip of it, but the only way I can describe it is Bjork goes Tribal, meets Nine inch nails circa 1995. So industrial sounding I am freaking out. It's so good. The song is available to download p.s.

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