Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Promises, Promises.

I have proved to myself tonight, that for the most part I cannot keep a promise to myself.

Which answers a few questions I have been asking myself today. Pretty dissappointing actually.

Which also answers a few questions I will have to answer over the next few months.

Also very dissappointing.

So CHANGE OF PLANS ladies and gents.

Sorry for those of you who these changes will affect.

For the most part you are all safe. haha.

It's nothing serious, but just something I was trying to do or change.


E said...

Okay, what the hell are you talking about? Can you at least tell me? HAHAHA, since I'm another Erin(ne) it wouldn't really be breaking a secret...I AM intrigued! Have fun tonight Lady! E

MUD said...

Over my long life, I have been forced to change and I hate it. I have stopped smoking and drinking and stopped coffee (once). I tried to think of it in terms of today I sober. Perhaps not forever but today I am. I put together 15 years of todays. I still abuse coffee but the other two are on hold. Good luck. MUD

that girl possessed said...

hmmm cryptic.