Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chick or Dude.

Ok I know this is a little mean, but it's a game I play in my head sometimes. When I see someone walking down the street, or sitting in a bar, or wherever I happen to be and I can't quite tell if they are a chick or a dude, I say to myself, "ok Erin, it's time for another round of Chick or dude"

I was walking to the Eaton Centre the other day when I came across this person. Instantly said to myself, Chick or dude....The pics aren't that clear, but whatev's

I was shocked when this person turned their head to the side, and I saw that it's a dude.


Anonymous said...

I thought for sure that was a chick...

Erin-Dot-D said...

That's cause you're awesome.