Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Any day now, mark my words!

Alright, so I have been busy these days, hanging out with friends and enjoying crazy long walks in the sun (alone) on Bloor street, listening to music and thinking about life.

Some thoughts at the moment, I still think there are some good people left in the world. A lot of super hardcore messed up folks, but I haven't lost it yet, my faith in humanity that is.

There have been, however, many events (minor) that have occured over the past year that have made me a wee bit pessimistic, and somewhat bitter. Usually, I am to some extent, naive about the ability of others to lie to your face, stab you in the back, treat you like crap and use you to get what they want, and I know that some people are straight up evil. I trust people though, and I'm usually not under the assumption that they could do anything mean. I have been wrong, many times, but I continue to trust, I've just become a little more guarded and realise that everyone has that potential....for good or bad.

I'm not talking about everyone here, sheesh, I'm just thinking about a few things I have experienced this past year. I don't hold a grudge. And if something bad were to happen tomorrow, I know that by next week I will have put it behind me and I won't let it cloud my judgement.

As a wise man once said, "all things must pass!"


ghost said...

"everything changes. all things yeild their place and go."-euripedes

MUD said...

Being out in the sun is good. A recipe for a long life and good health is to stop drinking, smoking, staying up late and eating small meals. On the other hand that sounds a lot like the boring life I lead. Oh well, play nice. MUD