Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So I haven't updated in ages! Well not ages but a while.
It always goes like this:

Erin: "I'm totally going to blog more often" (saying this to myself of course)
Reality: I stop blogging because my life is pretty boring and I don't have much to share.

BUT this time folks, I do.

Since my last update, I got a job. Here's the details in point form.

Positive stuff:
  • I work for a company that used to be part of an oil and gas company but broke off, created a new company that went into the chemical manufacturing business.
  • I can walk to work (and do) in 22 minutes
  • The office has approx 90 people
  • I make exactly $10,000/year MORE than I did at this time last year
  • I have killer benefits and investment opportunities
  • Everyone seems really nice
  • Laid back office environment
  • I managed to negotiate 2 days off during my first month of work
  • I will now have the money to have an amazing summer and hopefully leave the country before 2010, need to get a passport first though
  • I have something to do with my time....I guess!
The negatives, which aren't really all that negative:

  • I do the exact same thing I did 6 years ago, which is kind of a step back, but financially it's a step up so that's all that matters to me at this point
  • I am, once again probably the youngest person in the office, which means no friendship opportunities, (a girl needs friends, people!)
  • I will be working during the summer (I was wishing to be off for the summer, cause I haven't had a summer off since I was 16
  • I have to wake up at 6:15, to be at work for 8:00am, and I don't get off til 5:00pm

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