Friday, April 4, 2008

Music Music Rah Rah Rah!

Last night I went to see a Dragonette at the Phoenix. I went with Erinne, Mayssan, and Marko! (You asked for it Marko) The show was great, it started early which was nice since it was a work night. The opening acts were fantastique! The first band to hit the stage was Sweet Thing , they were pretty good I especially loved the second band that played, called Fritz Helder & the Phantoms. Talk about some serious entertainment. At first I wasn't sure if I was laughing cause it was rediculous or cause I friggin' loved it! (I totally loved it)

Dragonette was pretty good, there were a couple of songs I found extremely annoying, but most of it I absolutely loved! Her speaking voice though, well that's another post all together.....