Wednesday, December 31, 2008
All is full of love - Death Cab for Cutie (Bjork cover)
Friggin awesome. I especially love how the drummer does the techno beats down to a Tee.
What Bjork's listening to...
I think I just like to hear her speak, the most. After having lived in England for many years and New York city, she still sounds like she's straight from Iceland.
This one's for the ladies!
Gotta love guys, like school on a class!
My guy's got some class, at least!
I love how they say "zey" instead of they, and usually I hate it when people mispronounce haha!
This song goes out to E2, I can just picture us dancing our faces off to this song, at a bar in Toronto, while singing at the top of our lungs. It even has wicked drum moments for E2 to smash out a few drum beats to....I miss ya lady!
Ok, and I could seriously see E2 and I making up a stupid routine like that, 15 ish years ago, except on figure skates, not roller skates. TOTALLY. well maybe I'm the dork, and she isn't. not sure. just my thoughts
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Kim & Jessie - M83
This song totally rocks. It sounds so 80's I love it.
Erinne and I checked out this band about 4 years ago at Lee's Palace in Toronto. Such a great show. This track is taken fromM83's most recent album Saturdays=Youth.
These guys are from France, pronounced, fraun-ce, the french way :)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Meet Benson, OR Ben to the ehn son.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's all right - Travelling Wilburys
Well its all right, riding around in the breeze
Well its all right, if you live the life you please
Well its all right, doing the best you can
Well its all right, as long as you lend a hand
You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring
Waiting for someone to tell you everything
Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring
Maybe a diamond ring
(chorus 2)
Well its all right, even if they say youre wrong
Well its all right, sometimes you gotta be strong
Well its all right, as long as you got somewhere to lay
Well its all right, everyday is judgement day
Maybe somewhere down the road aways
Youll think of me, and wonder where I am these days
Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays
Purple haze
(chorus 3)
Well its all right, even when push comes to shove
Well its all right, if you got someone to love
Well its all right, everythingll work out fine
Well its all right, were going to the end of the line
Dont have to be ashamed of the car I drive
Im just glad to be here, happy to be alive
It dont matter if youre by my side
Im satisfied
(chorus 4)
Well its all right, even if youre old and grey
Well its all right, you still got something to say
Well its all right, remember to live and let live
Well its all right, the best you can do is forgive
(chorus 5)
Well its all right, riding around in the breeze
Well its all right, if you live the life you please
Well its all right, even if the sun dont shine
Well its all right, were going to the end of the line
Remember to let live and you can do is forgive.
GOD, I can tell you a kazillion feelings I have about this song, this video, where do I start. ....
I once fell and banged my forehead, while listening to this the winter.
But I got up, cause I had to get home cause it was freezing out, and cause it was retarded that I fell.
BUT the best reasons are:
a. Concert for George. If you don't own it, buy it. (I don't own it now, but I used to, but I want it again.)
b. Geore Harrison's son, Dhani, who looks exactly like George did, when he was playing with the Beatles back in the day plays during most of the songs on the DVD, even though he was only supposed to play one song, but was asked to stay on for the rest of the concert....he plays during this one. (he's the one who looks exactly like George.
he's wearing the white top, if you don't get the reference.)
c. Paul Mcartney and Ringo Star back on stage....oh and Eric Clapton plays during most tunes)
d. Uh 3 drummers, awesome, just as awesome as i thought the Portishead live in Roseland concert was. Even if you're not a portishead fan, YOU should become one after seeing that performance, but we're talking about the Concert for George.
Just buy it, or download it. It's got tons of Indian music too, from Ravi Shankar, and his daugther. If you think that's gay, check this out.
Singer, Jeff Lynne from the Traveling Wilbury' know, these guys:
Geoge Harrison
Jeff Lynne
Roy Orbison
Tom Petty
Bob Dylan
Uhhhhh a.k.a.....the ones who did this song:
Words of love
So hard to find on Youtube.
But I love this song, and maybe it's just the beginning of the song that I love the most, and then the melody, not so much the lyrics.
Words of love, soft and tender, wont win her, ANYYYYYYMOREEEEEEEEEEEE.
ok you get it
I'm lookin' over, Neptune City!
Cuz, he's the only one, I've ever waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanted.
I suppose that's, just the way, it is.
Fuck, such a classy lady. I WISH....
Ya I know. I've blogged about Nicole Atkins many times before, but she's just one of those artists I just can't get enough of. She's got this wicked style, totally original kind of old school vibe which I love. You know like Amy Winehouse, but withought the fucked-up-ness. I think Amy Winehouses' music is amazing and probably the best female vocalist to come out, like I wanna say forever....her as a person is retardedly messed up, but I love her sound, I love her style...
kinda like Kathleen Edwards, Bjork, Portishead, Lamb, Mazzy Star....
Once again, I wish.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Nicknames 101
When Nick and I met, he called me Erin and I called him Nick.
About a month later, I was calling him NP (Nicky poo, or Nick Plater, either one works)
He was calling me E.
Fastforward to 3 months later.
I told him sometimes french people call me Her-inne, so he started calling me Heych.
Then Heych, one day, became Heeh, hard to describe how to pronounce it, we were goofing off with lisps one day and heeh happened. I guess you could pronounce it like this, he-HH. I would call the HH a hard h sound, like almost a cat hiss sound. Like pretend you're trying to hiss like a cat, but not so hardcore.
Along the way, he-HH somehow became heek.
Then we got our iphones, then I turned into the iheek, he even says the in front of it. I am the iheek.
And then a song came out of it, "Mazzy's the egg-mazz, Erin's the iheek, and Gibby's the walrus, koo-koo-ka-choo.
Are we weird?
Or just creative?
p.s. Nick is still N.P.
I lack creativity these days, just takin' things day by day!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
So I'm lookin' at Rap video's, knock-kneeded bimbos walkin' like hoes
Ya I know, the last 3 are from SNL, but they are just super funny!
But #1 and 2 are wicked awesome!
Seriously though, It`s so cold in the D has to be the worst song and video, ever. I love how it just totally goes out of wack with the lyrics and music at 2:25 in the video,oh and hte cemetary scene.
#3 Jizz in my pants
#2 Let me smell yo dick - Riskay - this version says Ì can smell that chick, instead of let me smell yo dick, the other ones were protected so I couldnt embed them. damn, just go to youtube if you wanna hear the real version.
#1 It's so cold in the D
I especially love `how the fuck do we posed to keep peace`
Friday, December 12, 2008
And I miss you...
Definition: "A desert is a landscape or region that receives very little precipitation. Deserts can be defined as areas that receive an average annual precipitation of less than 250mm or as areas in which more water is lost than falls as precipitation. "
Yeah bitches, I'm talkin' about you!
And maybe you get it and maybe you don't, but you should.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Mlle. Danica Garlough
Amanda gave birth to a cute little munchkin on Dec 3rd and I have the latest pics.
You've seen it here first folks.
Ok, that's a lie, they've been on Facebook for a week now, but since I'm one of the rare non-partakers, I had to see it last. Oh well. C'est la vie, hein?
That shit's pretty Fuckin' cute huh?
P.S, no mom, it's not my turn yet. I have a few other friends who haven't given birth yet, I'm on the waiting list...or something.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's almost Christmas!
Rally for Canada - Calgary
Here are some pics!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Muddy waters
Why hadn't I seen that move 5 minutes ago, or 3 hours before when it was right in front of me.
This is a very basic thought, I realise, but it has me thinking about can associate this example in so many situations that you encounter on a daily basis.
Why can't we see things in that moment, and then later on it appears to us, so clearly. For example, in the heat of anger, we can think what are feeling or what we are saying is completely valid, true or real. Then when the moment passes, sometimes, it's like SHIT, what was I thinking? You feel so stupid sometimes when you realise that you were absolutely wrong, but at that very moment, you were so right, what you thought was the truth, or the only way, was indisputable.
So I ask myself, how is it that sometimes we are able to see things so clearly and other times the water is just so god damn murky?
You've got to be fucking kidding me!
TORONTO - The Ontario legislature moved Thursday to outlaw the sale of candy-flavoured cigars that politicians said are clearly aimed at getting children hooked on tobacco by giving third and final reading to a private member's bill introduced just over a week ago.
The legislation to ban flavoured cigarillos, which was co-sponsored by Liberal backbencher Dave Levac and New Democrat France Gelinas, was approved in near record time, especially considering that private member's bills rarely become law in Ontario.
Gelinas, who was first elected to the legislature in 2007, said she was thrilled to be able to have an impact on such an important issue so quickly.
"Those are deadly products that were in the hands of our children, and I hope that weighed in the balance," she said after getting government support for the legislation.
"This is my first private member's bill and it will become law. This is phenomenal, and it's certainly a good feeling for me."
Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best said it's clear that tobacco companies are targeting young people by selling cigarillos in 21 flavours, including peach and cherry, for just $1 each in colourful packaging designed to appeal to kids.
"Anything that prevents kids from lighting up in the first place is a good thing," Best said. "And I believe that these cigarillos are indeed something that is very troublesome."
The bill to outlaw flavoured cigarillos and require that non-flavoured cigarillos be sold in packages of 20 passed unanimously in a voice vote Thursday, but is not expected to be proclaimed into law for another few months.
Cigarillos are exempt from anti-smoking regulations because they are wrapped in tobacco leaf, not paper, so are not considered cigarettes. About 80 million of them were sold in Canada in 2006, up from 50,000 in 2001.
Like cigarettes, cigarillos cannot be sold to minors, but until now, there was no restriction on manufacturers adding flavours to the products. Gelinas and Levac said they were able to buy dozens of the cigarillos at stores within two kilometres of the legislature in downtown Toronto.
Government sources said the cigarillo ban is exactly the type of bipartisan co-operation that Premier Dalton McGuinty was hoping for when the government changed the legislature's rules to allow for co-sponsoring of private member's bills.
However, Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory said the bill was intentionally designed by the government to detract attention from Ontario's faltering economy and job losses.
"People are losing their jobs, they're scared to death ... and we're dealing with these kinds of things here that are meant to be sideshows," Tory said.
"Mr. McGuinty brings in one sideshow after another to distract from the fact that he is doing nothing about the economy, nothing to provide any kind of plan on training and jobs."
Anti-smoking advocates, the Ontario Lung Association and the Canadian Cancer Society all expressed support for the ban on flavoured cigarillos.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised similar legislation to ban flavouring of cigarillos during this year's election campaign, but nothing was introduced in the brief sitting before Parliament was prorogued Thursday at Harper's request.
Seriously? Really? They've banned cigarellos?
Not only are cigarettes now hidden behind cupboards or curtains in any store where they are sold, they are now banning the sale of individual cigarellos. You know, cause non smoking kids just can't resist them......what next?
An Oshawa, Ontario father is the latest member of his family to die after suffering stabbing injuries during a horrific outburst of violence last weekend at a child's birthday party.
Police said Friday that Rick Kelly, 29, died overnight of what is being termed "unforeseen complications."
Two days earlier, his son Nathan, 3, died in Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children.
On Saturday, Leslie Kelly, Rick's 26-year-old wife, died of stab wounds incurred while trying to protect her family. However, she lived long enough to call 911.
Another son, five-year-old Riley, was also wounded in the attack. He is expected to survive.
The family had been celebrating the birthday of Brandon Kelly, 11, who wasn't injured in the attack.
Police shot and killed the attacker, Gino Petralia, 47, in an adjacent townhouse unit.
Petralia showed up at the party. His son Steven McLean, 13, Rick's half-brother, had been taken in by the Kellys after the boy's mother died this past summer. Rick asked Petralia to leave, which may have triggered the attack.
The family had planned to donate Nathan's organs to help other children. Private funeral arrangements had been planned for Nathan and Leslie.
Two trust funds have been set up in support of the Kelly family.
Donations to the "Kelly Family Trust" can be made at any CIBC Branch via Account # 00892/03-22938 or through any TD Canada Trust branch via Transit #3184 Account: # 6322034.
Rick's death makes him Durham's sixth homicide victim of 2008.
With files from The Canadian Press

Happy Fucking Birthday.
This is so sad!
Bonne Fête a moi!
Does that mean I can't be immature anymore?
I have to start behaving a certain way?
I have to grow up?
I know I've grown up a lot since I was 22 or 23, but I'm not sure how much more growing up I want to do. I go to work, I pay my bills, I've lived on my own since I was 18. What else do I have to do?
In my brain I don't really feel that much older than before, I don't really look all that much older either, but I feel older, and I have to do something about that.
I have absolutely no plans for my birthday. I haven't made any friends since I moved to Calgary in August. So I dunno. AND since my birthday is December 24th things are always packed and super busy around that time.
Maybe I will just go to work, come home, and go to sleep. Forget I ever turned 29.
My blog posts are so boring, jesus christ what is wrong with me.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I miss you E2!
I miss my "cool" hair too. Must do something about that.
Ok my blog has been insanely boring lately, I know.
I just haven't much to say, or felt like saying much.
That will change. Soon.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Fluttering Designs - By Vanessa Kennedy
My friend Vanessa has been busy the past few years making jewelry and now has a shop set up online through Etsy. She also sells some of her jewelry in local shops in North Bay, ON, her "hometown".
Check out this necklace she made, I think is super fantastic.

Description: This lightweight necklace is the perfect addition to any fall wardrobe!
An 8mm Copper colored Stardust bead is surrounded by wooden beads decorated with copper colored bead caps, 6mm Light Smoked Topaz Swarovski crystals, and copper colored rounds. The toggle clasp closure makes it easy for both left handed and right handed folks to put on and take off.
Length from clasp to clasp is 21".
Hey and why not grab the matching earrings while yer at it!
Click HERE to visit Fluttering Designs!
Friday, November 21, 2008
California Stars
Dave, you're awesome.
Move your feet
Control yourself,
Ok, I admit, I'm a bit obsessed. I just can't get enough of MGMT lately.
I love everything about this song. Good beat, catchy sound, good lyrics.
I'm back into obsessing about music again, and have been discovering tons of new music that I'm really diggin'. I feel better
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Revival - Soulsavers
So I heard this song while I was eating lunch in Banff. I friggin loved it but didn't know who it was. Good thing I have "shazam" on my iphone, I just pointed my phone as close to the speaker as I could, hit "tag" my phone listens to the song for 20 seconds and then it tells me who the band is, the song and album. AWESOME!
I haven't heard any of their other songs, but this one is really good. Very chill, cool song. What's up with all the jesus/religion references though, like check out their track listing on the album "It's Not How Far You Fall, It's the Way You Land" The album features Mark Lanegan (former member of QOTSA) on vocals for 8 out of the 10 tracks, including "Revival".
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Banff!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Once-a-day Bean Factoid.
Well that shit's pretty fuckin cute.
Now let's have a look at the translation......
1.(Caption) Mame-shiba [Bean-"shiba"; not sure what "shiba" means. Maybe an abbrev. of "(theatrical) play".]
(Caption) Nattou-shiba [Nattou is fermented beans.]
(Bean) Good morning!
(Lady) What?!
(Bean) 200 million bacteria live (lit. 'come and go') in a kangaroo's pouch.
(Singing) Once-a-day Bean Factoid.
(Text) [Same as what bean and singing said.]
2.(Caption) Mame-shiba
(Curtain) Bar (lit. ‘alcohol’)
(Old Man) Huh?
(Caption) Edamame-shiba
(Edamame) Hey, did you know?
(Old Man) What is it??
(Edamame) They say France’s dandelions are really stinky.
(Old Man) I’m done. (lit. ‘Thanks for the tasty meal.’; traditional post-meal saying)
(Singing) Once-a-day Bean Factoid.
(Text) [Same as what edamame and singing said.]
3.(Caption) Mame-shiba
(Boy) Time to eat! [A non-religious traditional grace.]
(Caption) Green pea-shiba.
(Pea) Ta-da!
(Pea) Hey, did you know? They say a kangaroo’s pee-pee (lit. ‘bed-wetting’) is really stinky.(Boy) Mom…
(Singing) Once-a-day Bean Factoid.
(Text) [Same as what pea and singing said.]
Japanese people are so kooky, I just don't get it.
As seen on CUTEOVERLOAD today.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Burning up - Ladytron
Kletva - Ladytron, this song is so awesome, especially halfway through. Awesome sound
Tomorrow - Ladytron
Just like heaven part 1
On Saturday, we went to the Sulphur Mountain Gondolla, took the Gondola to the top of the mountain, here are a few pics of the view from the top of the mountain. They were taken with my iphone so they aren't the best quality. Once we get the pictures from Nicks camera I will post more.

Just like heaven part 2
Banff is the most beautiful town I have ever seen. Everyone should go there, at least once in their lifetime.