Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rather than drinking another pot of coffee, I present to you.....THIS!

okay so these are the rules- respond and rework! answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own. tag five other un-tagged people.

what is your current obsession? Finding a job and doing something great before I turn 30.

what are you wearing now? Black capris and a burgundy top.

do you nap a lot? Never, I can only sleep at night.

what is on your desk? a pen and a notepad, incase I get a call about an interview.

what would you like to learn to do? Be in control of my life, so I can make a lot of money. So then I can travel and do whatever I want. always.

what’s for dinner? We're having a Mexican night tonight, hopefully to celebrate some good news!

what was the last thing you bought? Diet Pepsi, cause I'm going through a crazy pop phase right now.

what is your favorite weather? Warm sunny days, the Calgary summer heat is fantastic, I'll take dry heat over Toronto's humidity anyday!

what is on your bedside table dressing table? I don't have one yet :(

what is your most challenging goal right now? Being the best I can be

do you have a blog you read daily even when there are no updates? Yeah, or some friends blogs.

what would you like to have in your hands right now? An offer of employment

Best concert ever? Bjork!!!!!

what languages can you speak? English, French

what language(s) do you want to be able to speak? Spanish, Icelandic

what's one thing you're looking forward to? Making some friends and having a social life this summer.

what websites you visit constantly during the day?,, hotmail,,

If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life who would it be? The Beatles

+Any regrets? Not finishing college the first time I went, and Serious boyfriend #2, what was I thinking?

Tagging, anyone who feels like doing this. You know you want to!

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