I was reading this chicks blog last week (I swear to god every sentence I say these days starts with those 8 words) I'm pathetic. I need a life. My own life. Anyways, she was talking about being in Canada at the moment and some of her observations about Canada and Canadians. She heard about this soup we eat called
scotch broth, so she decided to try some.
Ok, I consider myself to be pretty friggin Canadian, like not redneck Canadian, but I'm a bit of a hoser. I drink beer, I say EH? I have seen the Hip, I spent a huge part of my life living in the east coast as well as Kingston, Ottawa and Toronto. I've been to the Arctic, I swim in ice cold ocean water, and enjoy it, (I have no choice the Atlantic is freezing) I like hockey, I occasionally get drunk and play hockey on an outdoor rink in the wintertime, I teach skating, I enjoy fishing, camping, I look forward to may two four, I have a sense of humour, I'm a good neighbour, and the list goes on.
BUT, I've never heard of this scotch broth stuff. Maybe I'm just ignorant and I've never noticed the stuff at the store before. But to think of Scotch Broth as a quirky Canadian thing? I think not. Well this post sounded way funnier in my head. I am one of those peeps that doesn't have a way with words, I wish I did.
Anyways, teh point of this post was basically to say, it's funny what we assume when we are in different cities, Provinces, States and Countries. You might see something that is different than what you're used to and automatically we think it is somehow representative of wherever you happen to be. I mean some things are, for sure, but not everything. It's funny how we do that.

BTW, this can of soup cost me $2.09, where I'm from (Toronto) a can of soup like this should not cost much more than $1.09. Food is expensive in Alberta. Have you ever paid $4.99/lb for red peppers? Ya, I have.

If you look back a few posts, you will see my post about having way too many coffee cups, ya I know I call them coffee cups rather than coffee mugs, so what? I was making coffee this morning and took a picture of it, cause I just wanted to show someone, anyone (other than my boyfriend cause he doesn't get it) how cute my kitty mug is. Also the orange coffee can in the pic is awesome. And ya, I mailed it over 2000km's across the country so that I could scoop my coffee out of it every morning. What can I say, I'm a simple girl, with simple pleasures.
Oh, ps, I bought a can of scotch broth, I had to check this shit out for myself.