Friday, March 30, 2007
We clean up well!
One day!
Those god damn pointy shoes should be banned. I don't know why any girl would want their feet to look approx 3 sizes bigger than they actually are. I just don't get that massive chunk of useless point...Someone please explain this to me. Cause to be honest, I'm just thinking these are kinda like fluorescent coloured clothing or hypercolour t-shirts. All things must come to an end folks and I can't wait until these these things are put to rest.
Well now I have a Bjork song in my head.....
One day
it will happen
one day.
one day it will all make sense
one day, one day
you will blossom
one day, one day
when you're ready
an aeroplane
will curve gracefully
around the volcano
with the eruption
that never lets you down
i can feel it
and the beautifullest
fireworks are burning in the sky just for you
i can feel it
one day
one day
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Today is the greatest, day I've ever known!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Were living in a bad dream
All those years ago - George Harrison
Im shouting all about love
While they treated you like a dog
When you were the one who had made it
So clear
All those years ago.
Im talking all about how to give
They dont act with much honesty
But you point the way to the truth when you say
All you need is love.
Living with good and bad
I always look up to you
Now were left cold and sad
By someone the devils best friend
Someone who offended all.
Were living in a bad dream
Theyve forgotten all about mankind
And you were the one they backed up to
The wall
All those years ago
You were the one who imagined it all
All those years ago.
Deep in the darkest night
I send out a prayer to you
Now in the world of light
Where the spirit free of the lies
And all else that we despised.
Theyve forgotten all about god
Hes the only reason we exist
Yet you were the one that they said was
So weird
All those years ago
You said it all though not many had ears
All those years ago
You had control of our smiles and our tears
All those years ago
i will post the video tomorrow, my computer isn't diggin' it!
There's only one room left and it's haunted!

Niagara Falls!
It looks like I photoshopped myself into this picture, but I didn't I was standing on a big pillar to get this picture!
The far side of the Canadian falls
Ok here is the Canadian side, it's really hard to get a nice picture because of the mist!
Damn you mist!
The wedding!
Friday night I guess that makes it alright!

And here, I am trying to give him a kiss, but he is definitly not into it and is fighting me off. I love the look on his face!!! Perfect!

I have no idea what this thing is but it was fun to hide in!

I got a wax hand made at the Ripley's museum, you choose the position you want your hand to be in, then they dip it in hot wax a million times, take it off once its dried and fill it with some sand stuff! Then dip it in coloured wax. Devil horns baby!
Friday, March 23, 2007
My little bro is getting married tomorrow!

I'm always buggin my brother, any chance I get.....
And then we did this to his hair! I think he liked it actually!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
STOP button abuse!
I ask you this, WHY do people feel the need (urge) to push button's like 18 times? To make sure they pushed it properly the first 17 times? I don't know. You follow? You want examples?
#1 abuse of button pushing: Crosswalk buttons. You ever notice that when someone pushes it they keep pumpin' the damn button until the light changes. Do they think it will change faster? Do they not realise that it's on a god damn timer? Or, I'm standing at the cross walk, I have already pushed the button and a new person comes up and starts pumping it, I just look at them like "what are you doing? I'm not an idiot, of course I've already pushed the button" but then once the light changes they give you that proud look as if to say " I made the light change faster because I pumped the damn button 52 times!!!!!"
#2 abuse of button pushing: Elevator buttons, even though the button usually lights up once pushed, people still push it like 5 times, I guess, just to be sure, or maybe they have OCD and JUST CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES!!! Or the 'door close' button inside the elevator, like once you get in, usually the door closes within 4 seconds, do you really have to push the button. I just smirk cause usually the door is starting to close when they actually push the button. USELESS!
#3 abuse of putton pushing: Calculator 'clear' button, Ever notice the bank tellers press clear like 9 times or something before they recalculate your deposit totals? I guess they just want to be extra sure the calculator is at ZERO, even though the display screen clearly has a big fat ZERO on it!
Ok that's all I've got for now.
I hope you can relate, otherwise maybe I'm just a critical bitch!
Funny stuff!

What are 'practices of collective joy?'

Weekend update with Erin dot D!
Friday night was another night at the social. Erinne, Mayssan and I, super fun as usual.
Saturday I got a phone call from my friend Sandra asking me if I wanted to go to the Playdium with her boyfriend Sean and his bro cause she had to do her taxes that day. I still had about 70 credits on my Pladium card. Sweet. We rocked the playdium, I played a ton of racing games and spent most of the time in the rubarb as my little bro would say. I enjoy racing but I totally suck at it. I surfed, skiied, played air hockey with Sean and he kicked my ass, I even scored a couple of goals on myself. Frig-a-jig! I must say I had some pretty interesting conversations with those guys in the car! Holy Guacamole!
Saturday night we went to a house party with some people we work with at the Dufferin Grove Park, it was pretty fun. Had a couple of flaming shots of Zambuca. It buuuuurrrrns! Walked home and arrived there at a 'not so fun time, when you have to wake up at 9:00AM' to teach children to skate.
Sunday - somehow didn't wake up for my alarmS (yes I set 2 alarms) at 9:00am, but crawled out of bed at 10:35. Somehow managed to only be 15 minutes late for skating. Impressive, very impressive....(But you are not a Jedi yet!)
After skating I was walking to the bus stop with Erinne when she reminded me about the DJ dance party at dufferin grove park, which we had promised to attend the previous evening. SHIT. I was looking forward to going home and not moving for 8 hours. Instead??? We went to the park and drank beer out of plastic cups, walked around the rink, danced with our friend T-man the DJ, sat around a fire and had lots of smoke blow in our faces. All of this happened before 6:00PM. Erinne went home casue she was sleepy, sheesh she's the one who got me into this mess in the first place. Then Mayssan and I walked a bunch of blocks to Ted's place (downtown) with his friend Brandon while drinking 40's, danced our faces off at his place for the next 5 hours, even brought out a strobe light. Why is it that everyone's dance moves look so much better when a strobe light is involved. FUNNNN!
Then came the bar with the bluegrass band playing. Um dance party!!!! A bunch of friends from the park showed up and we dominated the dance floor with some sweet moves.
I was not planning on getting home that night at 3AM, having to wake up at 7:00AM for work the next day.
K so it was fun, but it killed me on monday, I thought I was going to die all day at work.
Good thing sunday dance parties at the park are over for the year....I can go back to 'doign nothing for 8 hours after skating on sundays'
Monday, March 19, 2007
Here comes the sun!
E2 busts out of nowhere....."All I know is, the sun can be a trampy whore sometimes."
Erinne, what did the sun ever do to you?

Friday, March 16, 2007
Do you remember any childhood songs?
Swimming swimming
In a swimming pool
When days are hot
And days are cold
In a swimming pool
Left stroke
Breast stroke
Fancy diving too
Oh don't you wish you never had
Anything else to do...
then it restarts...
There are so many, I'm going to post a few more that I remember.
Lundi matin le roi ,
la reine et le petit prince
sont venus chez moi
pour me serrer la pince,
mais comme j'etais pas la,
le petit prince a dit,
puique c'est comme ca
nous reviendrons mardi!
Then you would start over but instead of lundi you would say mardi and so on, this was, I guess, to learn the days of the week. CUTE!
Monday morning, the king,
the queen and their little prince
came to my house
to shake my hand
but since I wasn't there
the little prince said
Since it's like that,
we will come back tuesday!
Meunier tu dors
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop vite
Meunier tu dors
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop fort
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop vite
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop fort
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop vite
Ton moulin ton moulin va trop fort
The last part of that song we would sing really fast and get faster and faster, that's all I remember. haha, gotta love french Canadian children's songs.
More to come...
He's definitely got the blues!
This is my fave blues singer. Freddie King, and it's not just cause he has the best "guitar faces" in the business, or the craziest shirts (check out the little guitars on his shirt) I like his style, I like their sound, I think he's great. This clip is from a concert in Sweden (1973) I have seen this entire video and it's pretty grand. "We go together like red beans and rice" - Freddie King.
Portishead 3?
I've heard that Portishead are making a new cd. This would make me the happiest girl ever. I have been listening to their first 2 albums and a live one for just about 12 years now. I think a third is long overdue!
Kitty cat cuuuuuuuuuteness!
Mixed in with the Bjork video's on Youtube was this cute little video!
This video is dedicated to Erinne, who loves cat cuteness as much as I do! I love the cat yawn towards the end, and the black kitty walking on his front paws. Cute-to-the-max!
You wanna make out?
Since we broke up, I'm using lipstick again.
Some of you might recognize my cell phone's ring tune from that song....right at the beginning and towards the end.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
When did conversation die?

Rock Stars, they die so young.
So I was having a discussion with a freind the other night about rock stars and how so many died around the age of 27. I came upon a list and it is amazing just how many there are: Here is a list I compiled from the original list, I only selected the artists that I know, and those who died under the age of 30. The complete list has 321 'rock' stars listed. It amazes me how young some of them were when they died. To view the original list click HERE. The format, just to be clear, is name, band date of death, age, cause of death.
Duane Allman Allman Brothers Band 71-10-29 24 Motorcycle accident
Tommy Bolin Deep Purple 76-12-04 25 Drug overdose
Dennes Boon Minutemen 85-12-22 27 Car Accident
David Box Crickets 64-10-23 21 Airplane Crash
Jeff Buckley 97-05-29 30 Drowned
Tim Buckley 75-06-29 28 Drug overdose
Cliff Burton Metallica 87-09-27 25 Traffic accident
Steve Clark Def Leppard 91-01-08 30 Alcohol
Kurt Cobain Nirvana 94-04-05 27 Suicide
Darby Crash Germs 80-12-07 22 Suicide
Ian Curtis Joy Division 80-05-18 23 Suicide
Pete Farndon Pretenders 83-04-14 30 Drug overdose
Steven Gaines Lynyrd Skynyrd 77-10-20 28 Airplane crash
John Glascock Jethro Tull 79-11-17 28 Medical
Pete Ham Badfinger 75-04-23 28 Suicide
Les Harvey Stone The Crows 72-05-03 27 Electrocuted
Jimi Hendrix 70-09-18 27 Drug overdose
Gregory Herbert Blood, Sweat & Tears 78-..-.. 28 Drug overdose
Buddy Holly 59-02-03 22 Airplane crash
James Honeyman-Scott Pretenders 82-06-16 25 Drug overdose
Shannon Hoon Blind Melon 95-10-21 28 Drug overdose
Ken Jensen D.O.A. 95-01-29 Fire Robert Johnson 38-08-16 27 Poisoned
Brian Jones Rolling Stones 69-07-03 27 Drowned
Janis Joplin 70-10-04 27 Drug overdose
Jimmy McCulloch Wings 79-09-27 27 Heart attack
Ron 'Pigpen' McKernan Grateful Dead 73-03-08 27 Alcohol
Jacob Miller Inner Circle 80-02-21 23
Jim Morrison Doors 71-07-03 27 Heart attack
Bill Murcia New York Dolls 72-11-06 21 Drug overdose
Notorious BIG 97-03-09 24 Murdered
Bradley Nowell Sublime 96-05-25 28 Drug overdose
Berry Oakley Allman Brothers Band 72-11-10 24 Motorcycle accident
Gram Parsons Byrds 73-09-19 26 Drug Overdose
Kristen Pfaff Hole 94-06-16 24 Drug overdose
Otis Redding 67-12-10 26 Airplane crash
Randy Rhoades Quiet Riot, Ozzy Osbourne 82-03-20 26 Airplane crash
J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) 59-02-03 24 Airplane crash
Stefanie Sargent 7 Year Bitch 92-06-27 24 Drug overdose
David Savoy Jr. Husker Du 87-02-.. 25 Suicide
Selena 95-03-31 23 Murdered Tupac Shakur 96-09-13 25 Murdered
Hillel Slovak Red Hot Chili Peppers 88-06-?? 25 Drug Overdose
Stu Sutcliff Beatles 62-04-10 21 Medical
Vinnie Taylor Sha Na Na 74-04-17 25 Drug overdose
Jason Thirsk Pennywise 96-07-28 27 Suicide
Ronnie Van Zant Lynyrd Skynyrd 77-10-20 29 Airplane crash
Sid Vicious Sex Pistols 79-02-02 21 Drug overdose
Clarence White Byrds 73-07-14 29 Car accident
Danny Whitten Crazy Horse 72-11-18 29 Drug overdose
You may or may not be surprised that the top 10 causes of death are:
1. Heart attack - 42
2. Drug overdose - 40
3. Misc medical - 37
4. Suicide - 36
5. Auto/cycle crash - 35
6. Cancer - 25
7. Airplane crash - 22
8. Unknown - 21
9. Murdered - 18
10. Alcohol - 9